Tips For How to Pick Up Men With Pheromones

Tips For How to Pick Up Men With Pheromones

9th Apr 2015

pheromonesWhen you think of using pheromones to pick up a date chances are good you think of men buying cologne from the ads in the back of an adult magazine. Stuff that guarantees women who get so much as a whiff of it will crawl into their laps and breathlessly ask those men to take them right then and there. Pheromones aren't that powerful, but an even bigger misconception is that they're just for men. Pheromones, if the formula is properly engineered, can be used to pick up men as well. It also helps if you follow these simple tricks to make sure your pheromones are as effective as possible.

How to Pick Up Men With Pheromones

#1: Apply Pheromones In The Right Place

Pheromones need to be smelled in order to work, since they're a chemical that's picked up in the nose. You should only use the recommended dosage, but you need to make sure you put it somewhere that the evaporated chemical will waft over. If you're wearing your hair down your neck might not be an ideal location, for example. If you're going to spray some on don't spray it on your body and then put layers of clothes on over it. That will just cut down on the effect.

#2: Make Sure Your Smell Isn't Drowned Out

pheromonesEven if you wear your pheromones correctly it's possible they just won't get picked up if there are too many other strong smells. Tight-packed night clubs full of perfume and cologne may make your pheromones hard to pick up on, and the same is true of bars that smell like smoke. You need to make sure your pheromones are going to get a chance to be noticed without fighting the background noise of scents.

#3: Don't Be Afraid To Get Close

The best way to make sure your pheromones get to do their job is to get in close. Whether it's slow-dancing, curling up in a booth, or just going for a walk on the beach you need to close the distance in order for your pheromones to really do their job.

#4: It Isn't Magic

Lastly don't forget that pheromones aren't a magical love potion. They will grab a man's attention, focus it, and get his blood pounding, but you still have to close the deal. That means you need to be able to flirt, to talk, and to be interesting enough for him to want to know you more. Pheromones will, however, get your foot in the door and give you that chance to hold his attention.

For more information on using pheromones to attract a partner simply  contact us today!