Get Un-Single: Learn to Read the Signs

Get Un-Single: Learn to Read the Signs

17th Jul 2015

pheromonesOften, people don’t get what they want out of relationships because they don’t know how to read the signs.  They think that the other person’s happy when they’re really fed up and frustrated.  Or they might think that things are really going well when they’re really on the edge of disaster.  Not everyone communicates 100% of the time about how they’re feeling.  So your partner might be hard to read.  Still, if you make an effort to keep in touch with what’s going on, you can prevent your relationship from deteriorating.  Get un-single.  Ask yourself the following questions if you suspect that things aren’t going that well:

  1. Is Your Partner Dressing Well?  People dress to impress their partners or those that they want to get into relationships with.  If someone’s making an effort to be well-dressed when they come to see you, that means that they’re interested.  If they’ve stopped using lipstick or shaving, that means that they’re losing interest.  Keep an eye out for this type of change and  talk to your partner if you see it happening.
  2. Is Your Partner Working Overtime?  When people are happy in their relationships, they make more of an effort to spend time with the other person.  When they’re less happy, they might end up spending more time at work.  Sometimes, they might even use work as an excuse to spend time with other people.  So if your partner is spending a lot of time at work, that’s a red flag.
  3. Are You Having Sex?  Lack of sex generally indicates that a relationship is going downhill.  A lot of people don’t take the steps necessary to deal with this issue from the beginning, when it starts happening.  Both partners just seem to be really busy with work and by the time they hit the sack, they’re too tired.  So they might just cuddle for a while and go to bed.  But not having sex can make you cranky and dissatisfied after a while, which can lead to a permanent rupture in a relationship.  So start using pheromones today to make sure that your partner stays sexually interested in you.
  4. Has the Money Issue Come Up?  One of the things that couples argue about the most is money.  Has your partner complained about your not spending money on him/her?  Does s/he expect you to foot the bill all the time?  If you’ve got a lot of money and don’t have any issue with this type of behavior, that’s fine.  If not, make sure you address the way money is spent in your relationship from the beginning.

Contact us for more tips on reading the signs in your relationship.