Did Josephine Attract Napoleon with Pheromone Perfume?

Did Josephine Attract Napoleon with Pheromone Perfume?

4th Jun 2015

pheromonesNot everyone knows what pheromones are.  We put so much emphasis on hygiene that we tend to think that the chemicals emitted by the body just need to be washed off.  However, you might remember Napoleon’s words to the woman who became his wife, Josephine.  “I am coming home,” he said, “Don’t wash.”  Was Napoleon just a really dirty guy?  Or was he attracted by Josephine’s pheromones?  Maybe he didn’t want her to wash because he wanted to smell that pheromone perfume and feel even more aroused than usual.  We can see that Josephine definitely had what it takes to attract a man, in terms of looks, clothes and even pheromones.  Are you trying to improve your dating life as a woman?  Here are a few steps you can take to be more attractive to men:

  1. Consider Silhouette.  You might think that men are just more attracted to women who show more skin but this isn’t true.  Yes, revealing more skin can draw the eye but what men are really interested in is a woman’s shape.  They want to be able to see that a woman has breasts and hips.  The majority of men like a woman who has curves, not one who is stick thin.  So try to emphasize your assets and make your waist look smaller.  That hourglass look is sure to make all men look your way.
  2. Look Healthy.  No one wants to date someone who looks like she hasn’t eaten in days.  There’s not much point in starving yourself to death just to attract a man, especially because men don’t even find this look attractive.  Take a look at yourself in the mirror.  Is your hair falling out?  Are your nails yellow?  Is your skin pale?  If so, it’s definitely time to start focusing on your health.  Men are attracted to long, lush hair because it shows that a woman is healthy.  Plus, when you’re healthy, you can focus on a conversation, which is a turn on in itself.
  3. Try Pheromone Perfume.  There are many aphrodisiacs out there that you can use to enhance your sex life, from strawberries and champagne to red wine and oysters.  However, keep in mind that the way you smell has a strong effect on your partner’s arousal.  You need to find that right balance between smelling like yourself and smelling like a perfume.  Your perfume should blend into your body’s natural emissions rather than smelling like something artificial.  Pheromone perfume is the natural solution because pheromones are already naturally produced by your body.  So when you use this perfume, you’re just enhancing your own smell rather than trying to change it.

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