Don't Stay Single If You Don't Want To: Pheromones Can Help You Meet Your Match!

Don't Stay Single If You Don't Want To: Pheromones Can Help You Meet Your Match!

18th Mar 2015

pheromonesAlmost all of us have been there. We complete an online dating survey, get matched with individuals who seem picture perfect for us, communicate with them and set up that all important first date.  And what happens when we meet them?

Absolutely nothing, because we realize then that we just aren't attracted to them.

Why not?

Some scientists would say it was because we didn't respond to their pheromones. While there is some argument about how much of a role these play in sexual attraction, every adult has experienced an inexplicable attraction at some point, to someone neither they nor any of their friends would ever have thought they would be interested in.  

And if not pheromones, what else could the attraction be based on?

With more than 50% of the adults in the United States currently single, and an average of only 88 single men for every 100 single women, it's a question everyone who doesn't want to remain single would like the answer to.

How do people who have a hard time even meeting people stop being single?

How can they attract a potential partner?

Could pheromones really be the answer?

According to a recent article from ABC News, they might be. While not the basis of a lasting relationship, pheromones can significantly increase initial attraction, especially in particular age groups. And while an initial attraction is not a basis for marriage, it can certainly be a first step in getting to know a person and figuring out if you have more in common than a sexual attraction.

Don't stay single if you don't want to! The only way to stop being single is by meeting people, and pheromones can make meeting them a lot easier. As a former executive from the multibillion dollar online dating industry stated, "Everyone knows that all personality profiling is bull ****."

Everyone also knows that initial attraction based on what could only be pheromones is real.

For more information on how pheromones can spice up your dating life, contact us!